Sunday, May 18, 2014

Download the free ebook of the 50 core documents.

Documents are to a historian as food is to a chef. These 50 documents should be in every historian's repertoire of knowledge. Teachers, students, and Americans now can have easy access to these documents in one click! Mid-18th Century English is not for the weak minded, or weak spirited, but neither is liberty.

Introduction to the 50 Core Documents | Teaching American History

History Jokes for the classroom. Your welcome.

Teaching 8th grade US History comes with a stigma that history is boring. I know I fight this stigma everyday. One way I fight it is with really corny, pun intended kid jokes that involve history. I find them from the internet, some my students come up with, and even I make a few. Here is a list of some of the greatest hits:

Q: What was George Washington's favorite store?
A:The Dollar General store. 

Q: Which one of Washington's generals had the best sense of humor?
A: Lafayette (Laugh-ayette) 

General Lee Speaking.... (Generally Speaking)